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- 8421-references
- Absorption, emission, and scattering
- Applications of the spontaneous light force
- Atomic Units
- Atoms
- Atoms and cavities
- Atoms in Magnetic Fields
- Atoms in electric fields
- Atoms in strong electric fields
- Attractively Interacting Fermi gases - Pairing Instability
- Attractively interacting Fermi gases - Pairing Instability
- BEC-BCS Crossover
- Beam Slowing
- Bose-Einstein condensates
- Casimir interaction
- Chapter1-intro-to-cooling
- Chapter1-qed
- Chapter1: Introduction to Laser Cooling
- Chapter2-quantum-light-part-1
- Chapter2-quantum-light-part-2
- Chapter2-quantum-light-part-3
- Chapter2-quantum-light-part-4
- Chapter2-quantum-light-part-5-interferometry
- Chapter4-obe-part-1
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2: Quantum light: states and dynamics
- Chapter 3: Optical Bloch equations
- Chapter 3: Photon-atom interactions
- Chapter 4: Optical Bloch equations
- Chapter 4: Photon-atom interactions
- Chapter 5: Light forces
- Chapter 6: Bose-Einstein condensates
- Chapter 6: Ion traps and quantum information
- Chapter 7: Ion traps and quantum information
- Chapter 7: Molecules
- Chapter 8: Ion traps and quantum information
- Coherence
- Coherent model of the AC Stark shift
- Damped vacuum Rabi oscillations
- Derivation of the QED Hamiltonian
- Derivation of the optical Bloch equations
- Dipforce2
- Dipole force and dissipation
- Dipole forces and the dressed atom picture
- Dipole forces within the dressed atom approach
- Dressed atom approach
- Effects of the Nucleus on Atomic Structure
- Energy Levels of Helium
- Entangled Photons
- Entangled Photons Applications - Experimental Realization of Teleportation
- Entanglement
- Feshbach Resonances
- Feynman diagrams and perturbative expansion of the time evolution operator
- Fine Structure and Lamb Shift
- Fine structure
- Foo
- Frontiers in Atomic Physics
- Higher-Order Radiation Processes
- Ideal Bose Gas
- Ideal Fermi Gas
- Inhomogeneous Bose Gas
- Interacting Fermi Gases
- Interaction of an atom with an electromagnetic field
- Interferometer Heisenberg limit
- Interferometer shot noise limit
- Interferometry and metrology
- Introduction: the QED Hamiltonian
- Introduction to Atomic Physics
- Introduction to Laser Cooling
- Ion traps and quantum information
- Laser cooling of trapped ions
- Latex2Wiki
- Lecture 3 Notes
- Lecture 4 Notes
- Light forces
- Light forces from steady-state solutions
- Lineshape
- Magnetic resonance of a classical magnetic moment
- Magneto-Optical Traps
- Main Page
- Math Test
- Method of Separated Oscillatory Fields
- Metrology and Precision Measurement and Units
- Molecules
- More on the Quantum Defect
- New Coherence
- Non-classical states of light
- Old Coherence
- One-Electron Atoms with Cores
- Optical Bloch equations
- Optical Molasses
- Parity
- Photon-atom interactions
- Photons and statistics
- Physics of the dipole force: fields and energy
- Poor man's entangler
- Poor man entangler
- Pritchard demonstrating classical squeezing
- Quantized spin in a magnetic field
- Quantum Scattering Theory
- Quantum States and Dynamics of Photons
- Quantum computation and trapped ions
- Quantum control and trapped ions
- Quantum gases
- Quantum light: states and dynamics
- Random 8422 Topics
- Resonances
- Resonances and two-level systems
- Resonant scattering
- Results of Stationary Perturbation Theory
- Rev.Mod.Phys. 77, 633
- Review: Results of Stationary Perturbation Theory
- Review of parity
- Saturation of atomic transitions
- Single photon generation - experimental results
- Single photons
- Solution of the Schrodinger Equation for an Atom
- Solutions of the optical Bloch equations
- Spectroscopic Notation
- Squeezed light interferometry
- Steady state solutions of the optical Bloch equations
- Sub-Doppler cooling
- Superfluid Hydrodynamic
- Superfluid Hydrodynamics
- Superfluid to Mott Insulator Transition
- Superfluid to Mott insulator transition
- Techniques for cooling Fermions
- Techniques for cooling to ultralow temperatures
- Test
- Test2
- Test Page
- Test Page2
- Test Page3
- Test math
- Test math1
- Test page
- Test refs
- The Hydrogen Atom
- The Hydrogen Atom in a Static Electric Field
- The operator sum representation of open quantum system dynamics
- The operator sum representaton of open quantum system dynamics
- Tmp Lecture 23
- Tmp Lecture 24
- Tmp Lecture 25
- Tmp Lecture 26
- Transient and steady state solutions of the optical Bloch equations
- Two-Photon Excitation
- Ultracold Bosons
- Ultracold Fermi gases
- Units tex
- Unraveling quantum open system dynamics
- Van der Waals interaction
- Weakly Interacting Homogeneous Bose Gas
- Weakly Interaction Homogeneous Bose Gas
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