The saturated transition rate
Consider an ensemble of
two-lvel atoms with levels
is the spontaneous emission rate, and
is the transition
rate given by the coupling between incident photons and the atoms. We
the unsaturated transition rate, because the actual
net transfer rate from
, is close to
only when
most atoms start in state
. When a sizable fraction of the
atoms are already excited, the net transfer rate slows down.
Eventually, upon sufficient excitation, the number of atoms in the two
no longer change. Between these two extremes,
it is useful to define a saturated transition rate
, which
gives the net transfer rate from
caused by incident
photons, per atom in the ensemble. What is a mathematical expression
The rate equations governing the atomic populations are:

In the absence of spontaneous emission, these eqautions show that the
net transition rate between the levels is given by
, so
that the saturated transition rate is

The steady state populations, obtained by setting
to zero, satisfy

which can be conveneintly re-expressed as

by defining the saturation parameter

We will return later to the physical meaning of the saturation parameter.
Subsituting this into the definition of

This is a very useful expression. In the limit of
), far from saturation,
, and in the
limit of
), complete saturation,
Monochromatic Radiation
An important case is when the incident radiation is monochromatic, and
has a Lorentzian frequency distribution,
, where
is the detuning from resonance. Recall that the unsaturated
transition rate is then given by

is the Rabi frequency. Substituting for
a normalized Lorentzian distribution,

we obtain

and this expression for the saturation parameter

The saturated transition rate per atom, as a function of detuning, is thus

This is an important and useful expression. It tells us what the
transition rate is, as measured in an experiment, for example, by
absorption. Note that this is a Lorentzian distribution, with a width
which depends on
Defining the on-resonance saturation parameter

such that the saturation parameter is
, we find that the full width at half
maximum of
is given by

indicating that the transition broadens in frequency as the
incident intensity of light (which determines
) increases.
Physically, this happens because of the effective shortening of the
lifetime of atoms in
due to the stimulated emission.
The saturated transition rate per atom, expressed in terms of
, is

and can be re-expressed using the power broadened linewidth

Note that in the limit that
. A plot of this is shown below (figure from page 26 of {\em
Laser Cooling and Trapping}, by Metcalf and van der Straten;
Note that the transition rate from
, given in terms of
the absorption crosssection
, and the incident
, is

where we may identify as the saturated absorption crossection

. This
process is known as bleaching.
Saturation Intensity
The on-resonance saturation parameter has a useful physical meaning.
, the unsaturated transition rate becomes

were we have identified as the sauration intensity

This is a very useful quantity in practice. For the sodium D line,
, and that value is typical of most widely
used atomic transitions. In terms of
, we may give

This extrodinary
value of
can be
apprreciated by comparing the monochromatic excitation case, which we
have just analyzed, with the case of broadband excitation. For
broadband excitation,

where the approximation is valid in the limit that the average
intensity over the spectral density
(a useful approximation which gives a result
independent of the details of the transition). Here,

which, for visible frequencies, is approximately
inverse centimeter of bandwidth.