This section introduces methods for studying one two-level atom,
interacting with a single mode of light. We begin with a brief
derivation of the interaction Hamiltonian needed, known as the
Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian, starting from quantum electrodynamics
(QED). We then review the physics of a classically controlled spin.
Studying the same scenario, but with a full quantum treatment based on
the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian then allows us to appreciate some of
the richness of atom-photon interactions, and the limitations of
semiclassical approximations, particularly in the context of cavity
The QED Hamiltonian
Consider a single electron charge interacting with a single mode of
the electromagnetic field. From QED, we know this interaction is
governed by the Hamiltonian
![{\displaystyle H={\frac {1}{2m}}\left[{{\vec {p}}-e{\vec {A}}({\vec {r}},t)}\right]^{2}+e\phi ({\vec {r}},t)+V(r)+H_{\rm {field}}\,,}](
is the electron's momentum,
its mass,
its charge;
is the
vector potential of the electromagnetic field at the position
of the electron;
is the scalar potential;
is the potential binding the electron to a certain position (eg
as in an atom), and
is the free field Hamiltonian
which we have previously modeled as being
Recall that the electric and magnetic fields are related to the vector
and scalar potentials through
, and that we may choose a
gauge such that
(the Coulomb, or
"radiation" gauge).
Suppose the field is a plane wave, interacting with the atom binding
the charge. Because the atom is typically much smaller than the
of the field, we may approximate
, so that
, where
is the position of the atom.
The Schr\"odinger equation for this system,

is not immediately solvable, through direct exponentiation of
is time varying (due to the field). Solution of this
equation of motion may be accomplished by transforming into a moving
frame of reference, in a manner which is useful for later reference.
Specifically, we may define the moving frame state
![{\displaystyle |\psi \rangle =\exp \left[{{\frac {ie}{\hbar }}\left({\vec {A}}({\vec {r}}_{0},t)\cdot {\vec {r}}\right)}\right]|\phi {\rangle }\,,}](
motivated by the fact that
is a unitary operator
which shifts the momentum by amount
; this is
precisely what is needed to remove the time varying field from
In particular, after substitution and simplification, we find that the
equation of motion for
![{\displaystyle i\hbar \partial _{t}|\phi \rangle =\left[{\left({\frac {p^{2}}{2m}}+V(r)+H_{\rm {field}}\right)-e{\vec {r}}\cdot {\vec {E}}}\right]|\phi {\rangle }\,,}](
where the first term in parentheses on the right is the free system
, and
is interpreted as the
dipole interaction Hamiltonian.
Let us focus on
, in the case of a two-level atom. Note that
is an operator. For a two-level system, with energy levels
, it is usually the case that
for both of
these eigenstates.
is nonzero for superpositions, such as
. Without loss of generality, we may thus let
, or in terms of the Pauli matrices
, and
, we may write
Assuming the electric field is also along the
such that
, we have that

Of the four terms in this expression, the
terms involve removing and adding two quanta of energy
(one photon and one atomic transition). When those two energies are
nearly equal, those two interactions are much more unlikely to occur
than the
terms, which move quanta of
energy between the field and atom, conserving energy. It is thus a
reasonable to drop the two-quanta terms (the "rotating wave
approximation"), leaving us with the interaction Hamiltonian
![{\displaystyle H_{I}=g\left[{a^{\dagger }\sigma ^{-}+a\sigma ^{+}}\right]\,,}](
. This is the
Jaynes-Cummings interaction Hamiltonian, and will be the basis for all
the following discussion, as well as much of the fields of quantum
optics and atomic physics. It describes the interaction of one atom
with a single mode of the electromagnetic field, with no decay
mechanisms (in particular, no spontaneous emission), and no photon
loss. Physically, you can think of the scenario governed as being an
infinitely massive atom held fixed in the middle of a single mode
optical cavity with perfect mirrors.
Classical control of a spin
We would now like to consider some of the physics of the
Jaynes-Cummings interaction Hamiltonian, in the limit of a classical
electromagnetic field. This will provide us with some intuition about
how a two-level system behaves, in the absence of complication about
the quantum nature of the field. It will also let us review some
basic atomic physics, specifically the physics of resonance and two-state spins, using the language which will later be employed
in our study of the optical Bloch equations.
When the electromagnetic field is a strong coherent state
, we may approximate that
, so for
. This gives us an atom-field
Hamiltonian (letting
![{\displaystyle H={\frac {\omega _{0}}{2}}Z+g_{0}\alpha _{0}\left[{e^{i\omega t}\sigma ^{-}+e^{-i\omega t}\sigma ^{+}}\right]\,,}](
where the first term is the free Hamiltonian of the atom, with
transition frequency
, and the field has
. Letting
(this turns
out to be half the Rabi frequency), and rewriting the atomic
raising and lowering operators with Pauli operators, we find that

, such that the
Schr\"odinger equation

can be re-expressed as

Eq.(7.1.1) simplifies to become
![{\displaystyle i\partial _{t}|\phi (t){\rangle }=\left[{{\frac {\omega _{0}-\omega }{2}}Z+gX}\right]|\phi (t){\rangle }\,,}](
where the terms on the right multiplying the state can be identified as the
effective `rotating frame' Hamiltonian. The solution to this equation is
![{\displaystyle |\phi (t)\rangle =e^{i\left[{{\frac {\omega _{0}-\omega }{2}}Z+gX}\right]t}|\phi (0){\rangle }\,.}](
The concept of resonance arises from the behavior of this time
evolution, which can be understood as being a single qubit rotation
about the axis

by an angle

is far from
, the qubit is negligibly affected
by the laser field; the axis of its rotation is nearly parallel with
, and its time evolution is nearly exactly that of the free
atom Hamiltonian. On the other hand, when
the free atom contribution becomes negligible, and a small laser field
can cause large changes in the state, corresponding to rotations about
axis. The enormous effect a small field can have on the
atom, when tuned to the appropriate frequency, is responsible for the
concept of atomic `resonance,' as well as nuclear magnetic resonance.
be the detuning between atom and
field. For
, the on-resonance case, the coherent field
causes a rotation of the atomic state by
, such that for
we have a
rotation of the spin about the
axis. In the limit of large
, the far off-resonance case, the
spin is rotated by
. The leading correction to it, proportional to
, is the AC Stark shift.
These spin dynamics are widely observed, but nevertheless, still just
an approximation. When the control field
is weak, then
the original assumptions made, specifically that
, are no longer good. For example, when the mean photon
number in the control field,
is, say
, the true
dynamics of the system are far from the semiclassical NMR-like picture
given here.
Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian
The full Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian, describing the quantum evolution
of a single two-level atom with a single mode electromagnetic field,
is given by
![{\displaystyle H={\frac {\omega _{0}}{2}}Z+\omega a^{\dagger }a+g\left[{a^{\dagger }\sigma ^{-}+a\sigma ^{+}}\right]\,,}](
is the transition frequency of the atom,
and the field has frequency
. One of the most
important facts about this Hamiltonian is that it is fully solvable.
Here, we provide a solution in the interaction picture, obtained at
zero detuning,
, in the frame of
reference of bare Hamiltonians of the atom and field.
The Hamiltonian in this frame is simply the Jaynes-Cummings
interaction Hamiltonian,
![{\displaystyle H_{I}=g\left[{a^{\dagger }\sigma ^{-}+a\sigma ^{+}}\right]\,,}](
which is easily exponentiated using the fact that

From this, it follows that
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}\left[{a^{\dagger }\sigma ^{-}+a\sigma ^{+}}\right]^{2k}&=&(aa^{\dagger })^{k}|e\rangle \langle e|+(a^{\dagger }a)^{k}|g\rangle \langle g|\\\left[{a^{\dagger }\sigma ^{-}+a\sigma ^{+}}\right]^{2k+1}&=&(aa^{\dagger })^{k}a|e\rangle \langle g|+a^{\dagger }(aa^{\dagger })^{k}|g\rangle \langle e|\,.\end{array}}}](
Thus, letting
, we find for the time evolution operator

An arbitrary state of the atom and field can be written as

so that the state at time
is given by
There are many other ways to solve the Jaynes-Cummings interaction,
or even otherwise. The approach given here is
sufficient for our goal, to explore some of the non-classical behavior
of a single atom with a single mode field.
Cavity QED
Two of the most important features of a single atom interacting with a
single mode electromagnetic field, in the absence of decay and loss,
may be obtained from the above solution of the Jaynes-Cummings
In particular, we find that an initial state with the atom being in
, and the field being arbitrary evolves to become
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}U(t)\sum _{n}\alpha _{n}^{0}|e,n{\rangle }&=&\sum _{n}\alpha _{n}^{0}\left[{\cos(gt{\sqrt {n+1}})|e,n{\rangle }-i\sin(gt{\sqrt {n+1}})|g,n+1\rangle }\right]\\&=&\sum _{n}\left[{\alpha _{n}(t)|e,n{\rangle }+\beta _{n+1}(t)|g,n+1\rangle }\right]\,,\end{array}}}](

be the
polarization of the atom. Defining
, one can show that at finite detuning
, this polarization is
![{\displaystyle P(t)=\sum _{n}\alpha _{n}^{2}\left[{{\frac {\delta ^{2}}{\Omega _{n}^{2}}}+{\frac {4g^{2}(n+1)}{\Omega _{n}^{2}}}\cos(\Omega _{n}t)}\right]\,.}](
Vacuum Rabi Oscillations
Suppose initially there are no photons, so only
. Then

meaning that the atom in its ground or excited states is not in a
stationary state. Specifically, the state of the system oscillates
, an excited atom with no photon in the cavity, and
, a ground state atom with a single photon in the cavity. The
frequency of this oscillation at
, a quantity known
as the vacuum Rabi splitting, and the oscillations are known as
vacuum Rabi oscillations. Such oscillations have been observed
in a wide variety of experimental systems, including solid state devices.
Collapse and Revival
Finally, let us return to the approximation made in studying the
classical control of the two-level atom. Our solution of the
Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian allows us to now compute what happens when
the control field is a coherent state, but instead of being a strong,
it has few photons. At zero detuning,

may be interpreted as being the Rabi
frequency induced by
For a strong coherent state, the photon number distribution
is strongly peaked about
, with a width of
, so that the width is much smaller than the mean for large
For small
, however, the fields oscillating at different
frequencies can interfere with each other, causing the net atomic
polarization to decay, in sharp contrast to the continuous rotations
expected in the semiclassical picture. Moreover, because of the
discreteness of the number of oscillating frequencies, there can be
Poincare recurrences in the polarization. Here is a plot of the case
is the photon distribution for a
coherent state:
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