A single photon, mathematically represented by the number eigenstate
, physically describes the electromagnetic field corresponding
to the lowest nonzero energy eigenstate of a single mode cavity.
is the vacuuum state.
A great deal of physics can be understood by considering what happens
to just the
states, through a variety of optical
components. This section uses such an approach to explore three of
the most basic components -- two linear components: phase shifters,
beam splitters, and one nonlinear component: Kerr cross-phase
modulation. These are the building blocks of linear and non-linear
interferometers; their physical behavior provides helpful intuition
for quantum behavior.
Beamsplitters and phase shifters
The number state
evolves through propagation in free space to
after time
. In a medium with a
different index of refraction, however, light propagates at a
different velocity, giving, for example,
Such a phase difference is only physically meaningful, however, when
compared with a reference. Let us therefore introduce a pair of
modes, each with either
photons, depicted as two lines, and
using a box to indicate a segment through which one mode propagates at
a different velocity. For example:
depicts two modes, in which the top photon has its phase shifted by
relative to the bottom one. It is clear that any relative phase
shift can be imparted between the two modes, by an appropriate
experimental setup; experimentally, this can be accomplished with
different thicknesses of glass, or by lengthening one path versus the
Two modes of light can be mixed by a beamsplitter (as we have
previously seen). A beamsplitter
acts with Hamiltonian

on the two modes, with corresponding operators
Transformation of light through this beamsplitter is given by
, where
is the angle of the beamsplitter,
giving the unitary operation
![{\displaystyle B=\exp \left[{\theta \left({a^{\dagger }b-ab^{\dagger }}\right)}\right]\,.}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/cde964c0c37431a84260835508da295a53bd5290)
We may depict this as:
Note the use of a
to distinguish the ports; this is needed
because we have adopted a phase convention for the beamsplitter which
obviates the need to keep track of an extra factor of
. In the
Heisenberg picture,

This can be verified using the the Baker--Campbell--Hausdorf formula,

is a complex number,
, and
are operators, and
is defined recursively as the sequence of commutators
Since it follows from
, for
, we obtain for the expansion
the series coefficients
, which in general are

From this, our desired result follows straightforwardly:

The transform
is trivially found by swapping
in the
above solution.
Beamsplitters with single photon inputs
How does
act on a single photon input? On input
, letting
the modes be
on the right, and
on the left, we get

. This
indicates that
corresponds to a
Note that
does not destroy any photons; it can only move them
between the two modes. Mathamatically, this arises from the fact that
it commutes with the total photon number operator,
If both input modes contain photons, the output state does not have as
simple a form as above. In particular, we find that

so it is possible for the output to be found to have both photons in
one mode. Since we'd like to avoid such cases in this section, let us
restrict our attention here to the case when inputs to beampsplitters
have a total of one photon at most.
Dual-rail photon states and two-level systems
Omitting the vacuum state
, the two-mode state space we shall
consider thus has a basis state spanned by
, and
. We
call this the dual-rail photon state space (this Hilbert space behaves much like a a two-level system). Note that an
arbitrary state in this space as
, where
are complex numbers satisfying
From Bloch's Theorem, it follows that any dual-rail photon state can
be generated using phase shifters and beamsplitters. Specifically,
if we write
as a two-component vector, then the action of
![{\displaystyle B(\theta )\left[{\begin{array}{c}{\alpha }\\{\beta }\end{array}}\right]=\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{\cos \theta }&{-\sin \theta }\\{\sin \theta }&{\cos \theta }\end{array}}\right]\left[{\begin{array}{c}{\alpha }\\{\beta }\end{array}}\right]\,.}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/bbd7073849d13faa33b118bd924076ccde2ef741)
Similarly, the action of a phase shifter
of phase
![{\displaystyle P(\phi )\left[{\begin{array}{c}{\alpha }\\{\beta }\end{array}}\right]=e^{-i\theta /2}\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{e^{i\theta /2}}&{0}\\{0}&{e^{-i\theta /2}}\end{array}}\right]\left[{\begin{array}{c}{\alpha }\\{\beta }\end{array}}\right]\,,}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/23b28130466753154f3e728eff05df125e6f33ac)
where the overall phase
is irrelevant and can be
dropped in the following.
Arbitrary single qubit operations with phase shifters and beam splitters
Employing Pauli matrices
Let us define the Pauli matrices as
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}X&=&\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{0}&{1}\\{1}&{0}\end{array}}\right]\\Y&=&\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{0}&{-i}\\{i}&{0}\end{array}}\right]\\Z&=&\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{1}&{0}\\{0}&{-1}\end{array}}\right]\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/2f4c4dc132ee998872269c6b90b2cac55933dcdc)
Phase shifter and Beamsplitter operators
In terms of these, we find that the phase shifter and beamsplitter
operators may be expressed as
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}B(\theta )&=&\exp \left[{i\theta Y}\right]\\P(\phi )&=&\exp \left[{i\phi Z/2}\right]\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/8ed1c798b58ec2107ccfe2fb5b482d0433eb05ea)
Rotations of a two-level quantum system
These are rotations of a two-level system, about the axes
, by angles
respectively. The standard rotation operator definitions are
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}R_{x}(\theta )&\equiv &e^{-i\theta X/2}=\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}I-i\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}X=\left[{\begin{array}{cc}\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}&-i\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}\\-i\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}&\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}\end{array}}\right]\\R_{y}(\theta )&\equiv &e^{-i\theta Y/2}=\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}I-i\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}Y=\left[{\begin{array}{cc}\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}&-\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}\\\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}&\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}\end{array}}\right]\\R_{z}(\theta )&\equiv &e^{-i\theta Z/2}=\cos {\frac {\theta }{2}}I-i\sin {\frac {\theta }{2}}Z=\left[{\begin{array}{cc}e^{-i\theta /2}&0\\0&e^{i\theta /2}\end{array}}\right]\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/87225207af366d9d68d1998719ba6d411b5dace3)
Bloch's Theorem
In terms of these, Bloch's Theorem states the following:
is unitary, the rows and columns of
are orthonormal, from which
it follows that there exist real numbers
such that
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}U=\left[{\begin{array}{cc}e^{i(\alpha -\beta /2-\delta /2)}\cos {\frac {\gamma }{2}}&-e^{i(\alpha -\beta /2+\delta /2)}\sin {\frac {\gamma }{2}}\\e^{i(\alpha +\beta /2-\delta /2)}\sin {\frac {\gamma }{2}}&e^{i(\alpha +\beta /2+\delta /2)}\cos {\frac {\gamma }{2}}\end{array}}\right].\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/2cdffa723507b330398ac45f72d11c6d7247cbd5)
Equation (\ref{eqtn:alg:qubit_decomp}) now follows immediately from the
definition of the rotation matrices and matrix multiplication.
What we have just done, expressed in modern language, is to introduce
an optical quantum bit, a "qubit," and showed that arbitrary
single qubit operations ("gates") can be performed using
phase-shifters and beamsplitters.
For example, one widely useful single-qubit transform is the Hadamard
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}H={\frac {1}{\sqrt {2}}}\left[{\begin{array}{cc}{1}&{1}\\{1}&{-1}\end{array}}\right]\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/66f26d09a9191a1aa422af968868ed8ff0ea03c7)
This operation can be performed by doing:
where the beamsplitter has
. From inspection, it is
easy to verify that it transforms
up to an overall phase, as
desired. Up to a phase shift, a
beamsplitter can thus be
thought of as being a Hadamarad gate, and vice-versa.
Mach-Zehnder interferometer
The reason we have introduced the dual-rail photon representation of a
qubit is because this will allow us to clarify the universality of
certain quantum optical ideas, namely interference and
interferometers, which will be ubiquitous through our treatment of
atoms and quantum information.
Let us begin by developing a model for the Mach-Zehnder
interferometer, which is constructed from two beamsplitters. Recall
that two beamsplitters
, configured as
naturally leave the output identical to the input, as
If a phase shifter
is placed inbetween two
then the input is transformed by
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}{B}^{\dagger }(\pi /4)P(\phi )B(\pi /4)&=&\exp \left[{-i\pi Y/4}\right]\exp \left[{i\phi Z/2}\right]\exp \left[{i\pi Y/4}\right]\\&=&R_{y}(\pi /2)R_{z}(-\phi )R_{y}(-\pi /2)\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/7d6da722c294cc51f364863de15b94d011bd159f)
It is convenient to visualize this sequence of three rotations on the
Bloch sphere:
The first
, and
. The system is then rotated around
by angle
. Then the last
back to
. The overall sequence is thus a rotation

If the input is
, then the output will thus be
, so the photon is found in mode
with probability
, and in mode
. This is exactly what a classical
interferometer should do. Two important limits are that when
(the interferometer is "balanced"), the input is unchanged, and when
, the two modes are swapped.
Nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer
The two components we have studied so far, phase shifters and
beamsplitters, are linear optics elements. Such elements have
an electric polarization which is linear with the applied electric
. Nonlinear optical
elements, have
. Previously, we have seen
that an optical parametric oscillator (with
) can be used
for creating quantum states such as squeezed light. What do nonlinear
optical elements do to single photons?
Optical Kerr media
Consider a material with
, which we may
model as having the Hamiltonian

describe two modes propagating through the medium.
For a crystal of length
we obtain the unitary transform

parametrizes the third order nonlinear susceptibility
coefficient. We will refer to
as the Kerr cross-phase
modulation Hamiltonian, and the nonlinear crystal as being a Kerr
Interferometer with Kerr medium inside
Interesting non-classical behavior can be obtained using
interferometers constructed with Kerr media used as nonlinear phase
shifters. For single photon states, we find that

Let us take
, such that
Suppose we now place the Kerr medium inside a Mach-Zehnder
interferometer in this manner:
Intuitively, we expect that when no photons are input into
, then
the Mach-Zehnder interferometer is balanced, leading to
. But when a photon is input into
, if the cross-phase
modulation due to
is sufficiently large (
), then the
inputs are swapprd, producing
Mathematically, we may write the transform performed by this nonlinear
Mach-Zehnder interferometer as the unitary transform
is a 50/50 beamsplitter,
is the Kerr cross phase
modulation operator
, and
is the product of the coupling constant and the interaction distance.
The transform simplifies to give
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}U&=&\exp \left[{i\xi {c}^{\dagger }c\left({\frac {b^{\dagger }-a^{\dagger }}{\sqrt {2}}}\right)\left({\frac {b-a}{\sqrt {2}}}\right)}\right]\\&=&e^{i{\frac {\pi }{2}}{b}^{\dagger }b}\,e^{{\frac {\xi }{2}}{c}^{\dagger }c(a^{\dagger }b-b^{\dagger }a)}\,e^{-i{\frac {\pi }{2}}{b}^{\dagger }b}\,e^{i{\frac {\xi }{2}}{a}^{\dagger }a\,{c}^{\dagger }c}\,e^{i{\frac {\xi }{2}}{b}^{\dagger }b\,{c}^{\dagger }c}\,.\,.\end{array}}}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/87d22ba1cdcfbbccfd04e39c3597547b5ec76326)
The first and third exponentials are constant phase shifts, and the last two
phase shifts come from cross phase modulation. All those effects are not
fundamental, and can be compensated for. The interesting term is the second
exponential, which we define as
![{\displaystyle F(\xi )=\exp \left[{{\frac {\xi }{2}}{c}^{\dagger }c\,(a^{\dagger }b-b^{\dagger }a)}\right]\,.}](https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/b4437ff0a1688cced07348cbd6429a496328cb18)
, when no photons are input at
, then
, but when a single photon is input at
, then
, as we expected. We may also interpret
as being like a
controlled-beamsplitter operator, where the rotation angle is
Squeezing with nonlinear interferometer
How does this nonlinear interferometer produce non-classical behavior?
Well, one thing it can be used for is to create a state very much like
two-mode squeezed light, as we now show in the limit of single
photons. Consider this setup, with two dual-rail qubits, and one Kerr
This has two Mach-Zehnder interferometers coupled with a Kerr medium,
which we shall take to have
. If the input state is
, using mode labeling
, then the
state after the first two 50/50 beamsplitters is

up to a normalization factor which we shall suppress for clarity. The
Kerr medium takes
and leaves all other basis
states unchanged. Thus,

Finally, the output state, given by applying
to modes
, is

Compare this with the two-mode infinitely squeezed state
which we used in the discussion of teleportation. This state has exactly the same feature that when mode
has a single
photon, mode
does also, and vice versa. The same is true also for
. This state has an extra spatial correlation that
the two-mode infinitely squeezed state did not. But is is not hard to
imagine that they have similar properties. In the section on Entangled Photons we
show that both are entangled quantum states, which have
correlations beyond what is possible with classical states.
Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
Nonlinear Mach-Zender interferometers are also useful for implementing
and understanding simple quantum algorithms. One of the most elementary
of these is known as the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, which solves the
following problem.
Suppose you are given the following box, which accepts two inputs
, and produces two outputs,
, where
denotes addition modulo two:
Each signal is a single bit, and the box is promised to implement one
of four functions, computing either
, or
| | | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0
the even functions, and
odd functions. How many queries to the box must you perform to
determine whether it is implementing an even or odd function?
are the only two values you can input for
then at least two queries to the box are needed to answer this
question. This can be seen by direct examination of the full
input-output table:
| | | |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1
0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0
1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0
1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1
and by observing that (1) changing
gives no additional information
about whether
implements an even or odd function, and (2) for
any single input value of
, there are both even and odd functions
which give the same output. Indeed, whether the function is even or
odd is given by
, and this expression clearly needs
two evaluations of
to be computed, in general.
If quantum superpositions are allowed as inputs, but the outputs are
simply measured in the usual "computational" basis, then the problem
still takes two queries to be solved.
However, if quantum superpositions are allowed as inputs, and outputs
can also be intefered, then only one query is needed. This is
done using the following procedure. Let us use dual-rail photon
qubits, and choose
to represent
, and
to represent
. The optical setup implementing the quantum algorithm to solve
the Deutsch-Jozsa problem is:
The key to understanding how this works is to explicitly write down
what is inside the
box for the four possible functions. These
Note how
is trivial, since
; also
straighforward is
, since this is just an
inversion of
, that is accomplished by swapping modes
The two odd functions involve an interaction between modes
, because
, and
. These two are implemented with nonlinear
Mach-Zehnder interferometers, which cause modes
to be
swapped if mode
has a photon, or left alone if mode
has no
Inserting these into the algorithm, we find that if the input state is
(designating modes as
), the outputs are
function | output state
When the function is
, the
modes completely
decouple from the
modes, so the output is trivially obtained.
Thus, for those two cases, modes
end up in
, so a photon
is found in mode
. When the function is
, then the two
initial beamsplitters on
cancel, leaving a photon in mode
This photon then causes the nonlinear Mach-Zehnder interferometer in
to flip the photons between those modes. A similar thing
happens for function
, leaving modes
in state
, so a
photon is found in mode
. The measurement of whether a photon
ends up in mode
or in mode
thus determines whether the
function is even or odd.
The main insight given by this example, which generalizes to more
complex quantum algorithms, is that phases and interference are
central to their operation. Another important insight is that quantum
algorithms are somewhat of like a kind of spectroscopy: just as the standard
Mach-Zehnder interferometer may be used to measure the index of
refraction of an unknown crystal, nonlinear, coupled Mach-Zehnder
interferometers can be used to measure periods of certain functions.
Indeed, it is through period measurement that Shor's quantum factoring
algorithm works.
Another important insight gained by this example is that quantum
algorithms are likely complex and difficult to implement, if they
require a multitude of coupled interferometers. This is because well
balanced, stable interferometers are experimentally challenging to
realize. Nonlinear optical Kerr media that have no loss, and can
impart a
cross phase modulation between single photons, are also
rather exotic.
Finally, it is worthwhile considering exactly what we used which was
quantum-mechanical in implementing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm. Would
this implementation have worked with coherent states, instead of
single photons?