Ideal Bose Gas

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A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to 0K (usually ~100nK in experiments). Under such conditions, a large fraction of bosons occupies the lowest quantum state, at which point macroscopic quantum phenomena become apparent.


In this section, we summarize some basic and useful thermodynamic results for Bose-Einstein condensation in a uniform, non-interacting gas of bosons. Most of the discussion here will be limited to 3D case. Physics for lower dimensions will be mentioned in the end.

Thermodynamics of a Bose Gas

Phase Space Density

The fundamental difference between a BEC and a classical gas is the occupancy of a single-particle state. In a classical gas, the mean occupation number for a single quantum state satisfies the Boltzmann distribution Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \langle n_{\nu} \rangle = e^{-(\epsilon_{\nu}-\mu)/kT} } which is much less than unity. This feature is qualitatively captured by the Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \textit{Phase-space Density} } defined as (3D, homogeneous gas)

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \rho_D = n\lambda_T^3 \,, }

where is the thermal de Broglie wavelength.

Some typical parameters for

  • Classical thermal gas
    • Atom density Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle n \sim 10^{25} \text{m}^{-3}}
    • Interatomic distance Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle (1/n)^{1/3} \sim 3 \text{nm} }
    • Thermal de Broglie wavelength Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \lambda_T \sim 10^{-2} \text{nm}(T = 300K) }
    • Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \rho_D \sim 10^{-8} }
  • BEC in dilute gas
    • Atom density Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle n \sim 10^{20} \text{m}^{-3}}
    • Interatomic distance Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle (1/n)^{1/3} \sim 10^{2} \text{nm} }
    • Thermal de Broglie wavelength Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \lambda_T \sim 10^{3} \text{nm}(T = 100nK) }
    • Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \rho_D \sim 10^{2} }

The Bose-Einstein Distribution

For non-interacting bosons in thermodynamic equilibrium, the mean occupation number of the single-particle state Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \nu } is

At high temperature, the chemical potential lies below Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \epsilon_{min} } . As temperature is lower, the chemical potential rises until it reaches Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \epsilon_{min} } and the mean occupation numbers increase.

Transition Temperature - Semi-classical Picture

When Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \nu = \epsilon_{min} } , the occupation number on the ground state can be arbitrarily large, indicating the emrgence of a condensate. The corresponding temperature is the transition temperature Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle T_c } . Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle T_c } can be calculated with the critieria that the maximum number of particles can be held in the excited states is equal to the total particle number Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle N } . In the semi-classical limit where the sum over all states is replaced by an integral and simple assumption that Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \epsilon_{min} = 0} we have

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle N_{ex} = \int\limits_{0}^{\infty} f(\epsilon, \mu=0, T_c) g(\epsilon) d \epsilon \,. }

Here Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle g(\epsilon) } is the density of states. The number of atoms in the ground state is . The form of the transition temperature Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle T_c } and therefore the condensate atom number depends strongly on the form of Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle g(\epsilon) } which is affected by the dimension, trapping potential and the dispersion of the system. Under the most general assumption that Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle g(\epsilon) \propto \epsilon^{\alpha - 1} } , we reach

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle N \propto C_{\alpha}(kT_c)^{\alpha}\int\limits_{0}^{\infty} dx\frac{x^{\alpha-1}}{e^{x} - 1} \,. }

where Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle x = \epsilon/(kT_c)} . Straightforwardly we have a simple scaling function

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle kT_c \propto N^{\frac{1}{\alpha}} \,. }

Some common cases are summarized below

cases:3D box2D box3D Harmonic2D Harmonic
Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle 3/2} Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle 1, diverge} Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle 3} Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle 2}

We see that the semi-classical picture is already good enough to capture some basic condensate physics.

Thermodynamic Properties

The thermodynamic properties Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle H} can be readily calculated from the Bose distributions and sum over all the states.

For example, the total energy

Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle E = \int\limits_{0}^{\infty} \epsilon f(\epsilon, \mu, T) g(\epsilon) d \epsilon \propto (kT)^{\alpha} \int\limits_{0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{\alpha}}{e^x-1} dx \,. }

We therefore can obtain a scaling law for all the importnat thermodynamic quantities as listed below assuming that Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle g(\epsilon) \propto \epsilon^{\alpha - 1}} and Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle H\propto T^{\delta}}

Thermodynamic Property:EFailed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle C_V=\partial E/\partial T} Entropy S
Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \delta} Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \alpha} Failed to parse (MathML with SVG or PNG fallback (recommended for modern browsers and accessibility tools): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle \alpha}

Padagogical Example