Quantum light: states and dynamics
This chapter is a study of the quantum properties of light, specifically, single-mode monochromatic light. We begin by considering the states in which quanta of the electromatic field, photons, may exist. We describe how these states are mathematically represented, and how they transform under simple physical operations, such as propagation through free space, and through optical beamsplitters. We also consider how two modes of light may relate to each other, in particular through entanglement, a purely quantum-mechanical property which can be a useful resource. Throughout this study of the quantum nature light, we develop an intuition and a language for quantum states and behaviors which may be applied not just to light, but also, to analogous states of matter.
- Photons and statistics
- Non-classical light; squeezed states
- Single photons
- Entangled photons
- Interferometry and metrology
- Photons and statistics
- Non-classical light
- Single photons
- Entangled photons
- Interferometry and Metrology
- Atom correlations and g(2) Lecture notes
Nature paper on 2007 experiment Copies from Gordon Baym’s quantum mechanic book on HBT experiment with atoms