imported>Wikipost |
imported>Ichuang |
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− | = Quantum states and dynamics of photons =
| + | |
− | We now turn to a study of the quantum properties of light,
| |
− | specifically, single-mode monochromatic light. We begin by
| |
− | considering the states in which quanta of the electromatic field,
| |
− | photons, may exist. We describe how these states are mathematically
| |
− | represented, and how they transform under simple physical operations,
| |
− | such as propagation through free space, and through optical
| |
− | beamsplitters. We also consider how two modes of light may relate to
| |
− | each other, in particular through entanglement, a purely
| |
− | quantum-mechanical property which can be a useful resource.
| |
− | Throughout this study of the quantum nature light, we develop an
| |
− | intuition and a language for quantum states and behaviors which may be
| |
− | applied not just to light, but also, to analogous states of matter.
| |
| == Photons and statistics == | | == Photons and statistics == |
| What is quantum about light -- is it the wave behavior of | | What is quantum about light -- is it the wave behavior of |
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| ::[[Image:chapter2-quantum-light-part-1-qalpha-evolution.png|thumb|200px|none|]] | | ::[[Image:chapter2-quantum-light-part-1-qalpha-evolution.png|thumb|200px|none|]] |
| Note that this understanding allows us to visualize the thermal state | | Note that this understanding allows us to visualize the thermal state |
− | as being a mixture of coherent states with random phase. | + | as being a mixture of coherent states with random ph |
− | === Fluctuations and Noise ===
| |
− | The <math>Q(\alpha)</math> depiction of a state of light is particularly useful
| |
− | because it allows direct visualization of the statistical properties
| |
− | of quantum states versus the classical coherent states.
| |
− | Recall that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle restricts the product
| |
− | of fluctuations in two conjugate observables, such as position and
| |
− | momentum:
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | \Delta P \, \Delta Q \geq \frac{\hbar}{2}
| |
− | \,.
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | For a simple harmonic oscillator,
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | P = i \sqrt{\frac{\hbar\omega}{2}} ( a^\dagger - a)
| |
− | ~~~~~~~~~~~
| |
− | Q = \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2\omega}} ( a^\dagger + a)
| |
− | \,.
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | and using the fact that for a coherent state <math>|\alpha{\rangle}</math>,
| |
− | <math>{\langle}\alpha|a|\alpha \rangle = \alpha</math>, and <math>{\langle}\alpha| a^\dagger |\alpha \rangle =
| |
− | \alpha^*</math>, we find that
| |
− | :<math>\begin{array}{rcl}
| |
− | {\langle}\alpha|P|\alpha \rangle &=& i \sqrt{\frac{\hbar\omega}{2}} (\alpha^* - \alpha)
| |
− | \\
| |
− | {\langle}\alpha|P^2|\alpha \rangle &=& \frac{\hbar\omega}{2} ({\alpha^*}^2
| |
− | -2|\alpha|^2 + \alpha^2 - 1)
| |
− | \\
| |
− | {\langle}\alpha|Q|\alpha \rangle &=& \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2\omega}} (\alpha^* + \alpha)
| |
− | \\
| |
− | {\langle}\alpha|Q^2|\alpha \rangle &=& \frac{\hbar}{2\omega} ({\alpha^*}^2
| |
− | +2|\alpha|^2 + \alpha^2 + 1)
| |
− | \,.
| |
− | \end{array}</math>
| |
− | These give
| |
− | :<math>\begin{array}{rcl}
| |
− | \Delta Q = \sqrt{{\langle}\Delta Q^2{\rangle}} &=& \sqrt{\frac{\hbar}{2\omega}}
| |
− | \\
| |
− | \Delta P = \sqrt{{\langle}\Delta P^2{\rangle}} &=& \sqrt{\frac{\hbar\omega}{2}}
| |
− | \end{array}</math>
| |
− | so that <math>\Delta P \,\Delta Q = \hbar/2</math>. Thus, the coherent state is
| |
− | a minimum uncertainty state of light. This distinction is
| |
− | apparent from the width of the coherent state in the <math>Q(\alpha)</math> plot:
| |
− | ::[[Image:chapter2-quantum-light-part-1-qalpha-min-unc-state.png|thumb|200px|none|]]
| |
− | Another useful measure of the statistical properties of a state of
| |
− | light is provided by a measure known as the {\em second order temporal
| |
− | coherence} function, commonly denoted <math>g^{(2)}(\tau)</math>. The definition
| |
− | of this function, for a classical state of light described by a
| |
− | stationary intensity versus time distribution <math>\bar{I}(t)</math>, is
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | g^{(2)}_{cl}(\tau) = \frac{{\langle}\bar{I}(t) \bar{I}(t+\tau){\rangle}}{{\langle}\bar{I}{\rangle}^2}
| |
− | \,.
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | The numerator of this expression is a familiar autocorrelation
| |
− | function; moreover, since <math> \langle (\bar{I}(t)-{\langle}\bar{I}(t) \rangle )^2 \rangle \geq
| |
− | 0</math>, it follows that <math>g^{(2)}_{cl}(0)\geq 1</math>.
| |
− | For a state of light described by some density matrix <math>\rho</math>, we may
| |
− | write a similar expression for <math>g^{(2)}(\tau)</math>, but instead of
| |
− | <math>\bar{I}(t)</math>, operators must be used, which act on <math>\rho</math>. Letting
| |
− | <math> \langle x{\rangle}</math> denote <math>{\rm Tr}(x \rho)</math> as usual, the quantum mechanical
| |
− | definition of the second order temporal coherence function is
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | g^{(2)}(\tau) = \frac{ \langle a^\dagger a^\dagger a a{\rangle}}{ \langle a^\dagger a{\rangle}^2}
| |
− | = \frac{ \langle n^2{\rangle}- \langle n{\rangle}}{ \langle n{\rangle}^2}
| |
− | \,,
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | where we have used <math>n= a^\dagger a</math> and <math>[a, a^\dagger ] = 1</math>. Note that this
| |
− | expression, which is given for a single mode, has a value that is
| |
− | independent of <math>\tau</math>. It is obtained by substituting quantum
| |
− | operators for the electric field into the classical definition of
| |
− | <math>g^{(2)}(\tau)</math>. In contrast to the classical case, the quantum
| |
− | expression allows <math>g^{(2)}(0)<1</math>. In particular, the values of
| |
− | <math>g^{(2)}(0)</math>, and the Fano factor (a measure of photon number
| |
− | fluctuations relative to the Poisson distribution),
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | F = \frac{ \langle n^2{\rangle}- \langle n{\rangle}^2}{ \langle n{\rangle}}-1
| |
− | \,,
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | are given for several important states of light in this table:
| |
− | <blockquote>
| |
− | <table border=1>
| |
− | | |
− | <tr><td>
| |
− | State </td><td> <math> \langle n^2{\rangle}</math> </td><td> Fano factor </td><td> <math>g^{(2)}(0)</math> </td></tr>
| |
− | %
| |
− | <tr><td>
| |
− | Thermal </td><td>
| |
− | <math>\bar{n}(1+2\bar{n})</math>
| |
− | </td><td> <math>\bar{n}</math> Super-poissonian
| |
− | </td><td> 2
| |
− | </td></tr>
| |
− | <tr><td>
| |
− | Coherent </td><td> <math>\bar{n}(1+\bar{n})</math>
| |
− | </td><td> <math>0</math> Poissonian
| |
− | </td><td> 1
| |
− | </td></tr>
| |
− | <tr><td>
| |
− | Number <math>|n{\rangle}</math> </td><td> <math>n^2</math>
| |
− | </td><td> <math>-1</math> Sub-poissonian
| |
− | </td><td> <math>({n-1})/{n}</math>
| |
− | </td></tr>
| |
− | | |
− | </table>
| |
− | </blockquote>
| |
− | === The Single Photon ===
| |
− | So far, we have considered a variety of important multi-photon states,
| |
− | in which typically <math>\bar{n}>1</math>. What are the properties of a state of
| |
− | a single photon?
| |
− | First, keep in mind that <math>|\alpha{\rangle}</math> with <math>\alpha=1</math> is not a
| |
− | single photon state. That is a coherent state with an average of one
| |
− | photon. In fact, the probabilities of finding <math>n</math> photons in this
| |
− | state are:
| |
− | ::[[Image:chapter2-quantum-light-part-1-Lec4-alpha1-dist.png|thumb|204px|none|]]
| |
− | \noindent Thus, for example, <math>|\alpha=0.1{\rangle}</math> is mostly the vacuum
| |
− | state <math>|0{\rangle}</math>.
| |
− | The true single photon state <math>|1{\rangle}</math> is an eigenstate of <math> a^\dagger a</math> with
| |
− | eigenvalue <math>n=1</math>. This state can be generated, for example, by a
| |
− | single atom emitting a photon into a cavity. The <math>Q(\alpha)</math> plot of
| |
− | this state is a ring, since
| |
− | :<math>
| |
− | Q_{|1{\rangle}}(\alpha) = |{\langle}\alpha|1{\rangle}|^2 = |\alpha|^2 e^{-|\alpha|^2}
| |
− | \,.
| |
− | </math>
| |
− | The single photon state is one of the most non-classical photon states
| |
− | which can be created in the laboratory. Generating single photons at
| |
− | a specific desired time, and with a desired frequency, is a challenge
| |
− | at the forefront of much atomic physics today. One important
| |
− | experimental signature of a single photon is obtained by performing a
| |
− | Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment, which measures the <math>g^{(2)}(\tau)</math>
| |
− | intensity-intensity correlation function of photons from a single
| |
− | source, split by a 50/50 beamsplitter:
| |
− | ::[[Image:chapter2-quantum-light-part-1-hbt-expt-clean.png|thumb|200px|none|]]
| |
− | Classically, photons incident on the beamsplitter are split equally
| |
− | between the two paths. For equal distances between the beamsplitter
| |
− | and the two detectors, <math>\tau=0</math>, and when the incident light is
| |
− | coherent, the correlation is measured to be <math>1</math>; when it is chaotic,
| |
− | as from a thermal source, it is measured to be <math>2</math>, as given in the
| |
− | table above. Classically, however, <math>g^{(2)}(0)</math> can never be less
| |
− | than <math>1</math>.
| |
− | However, when a single photon sourced into the beamsplitter, it exits
| |
− | in a superposition of being in one or the other of the two paths, and
| |
− | only one of the two detectors will ever click. This gives
| |
− | <math>g^{(2)}(\tau) = 0</math>, as predicted by the quantum formula, but not
| |
− | allowed by the classical expression.
| |
Photons and statistics
What is quantum about light -- is it the wave behavior of
electromagnetic waves? Or is it the particle behavior of photons?
The truth is much deeper than either, and much more interesting!
We begin with a brief review of the formalism of the simple harmonic
oscillator, used to model single modes of light. Light from
incandescent and other thermal sources can be described using this
model. But more important to us will be coherent light from lasers,
which is described by coherent states of light. These, and
other more quantum states of light can be usefully depicted using a
phase-space representation, as we demonstrate with
Plots of thermal, coherent, and photon number states illustrate
unique quantum properties which can lead to non-classical field
fluctuations and statistical properties, particularly at the level of
a single photon.
Starting point: electromagnetism
Recall that the energy of an electromagnetic field may be expressed as
the Hamiltonian
![{\displaystyle H={\frac {1}{2}}\int \,d^{3}r\left[{\epsilon _{0}|{\vec {E}}|^{2}+{\frac {1}{\mu _{0}}}|{\vec {B}}|^{2}}\right]\,,}](
are the electric and magnetic fields, and
are the permitivity and permeability of free
space. Second quantization of this Hamiltonian led to a new
expression for this energy, in terms of quantum operators,


and the quantized electric field is
![{\displaystyle {\vec {E}}=i{\vec {e}}{\sqrt {\frac {\hbar \omega }{\epsilon _{0}V}}}\left[{ae^{i(kr-\omega t)}-a^{\dagger }e^{-i(kr-\omega t)}}\right]\,,}](
is the polarization vector, and
is the
quantization volume.
The bottom line of the QED Hamiltonian is that we may model a single
mode of the electromagnetic field using this Hamiltonian:

This is the Hamiltonian of a simple harmonic oscillator. Everything
we are interested in about the quantum properties of light will come
from this Hamiltonian, and small perturbations of it!
Number and Thermal States
The simple harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian has eigenstates labeled
, where
, such that the energy levels
may be depicted as a ladder of equally spaced rungs starting at
, as shown in this figure:
In terms of these energy eigenstates, known as number states,
the Hamiltonian can be written as
. Note
that the eigenstates are orthogonal:
. The
is said to be an
photon state.
The ladder operators acting on these energy eigenstates,
, are known as the anihilation and creation operators,
respectively. They satisfy the following properties, which are well
worth remembering:
![{\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}a|n\rangle &=&{\sqrt {n}}|n-1{\rangle }\\a^{\dagger }|n\rangle &=&{\sqrt {n+1}}|n+1{\rangle }\\\,[a,a^{\dagger }]&=&1\end{array}}}](
A good way to reconstruct these is to remember just that
Light produced by thermal emission sources, such as resistive
filaments, gas discharge, or other radiating black bodies, is a
statistical mixture of number states, known as a thermal state,
and sometimes called "chaotic light." This mixture is described by
a density matrix characterizing a Boltzman distribution of number

is Boltzmann's constant,
temperature, and

is the usual partition function normalization. This gives us

The mean number of photons in a thermal state is

If we define the probability distribution
, then

This distribution, together with some mode volume considerations,
gives Planck's law of blackbody radiation.
Note that
, as expected for a properly normalized
probability distribution. A quick calculation gives

and thus the variance is
. Constrast this with the Poisson distribution, for
which average and variance are the same. Laser light, as is well
known, has such a Poisson distribution of photon number; it is thus
quite distinct from thermal light, from the standpoint of number
Coherent States and the
Definition & properties. A coherent state
defined to be an eigenstate of the anihilation operator

with normalization
. It is important to keep
in mind that
is a complex number. In the number basis
, a coherent state has the representation

. By definition,
is an eigenstate
, and thus

This gives a recursion relation for
; from this, and the
normalization of
, it follows that

In contrast to basis states usually used for Hilbert spaces, coherent
states are not orthogonal to each other:

However, coherent states are often still useful as an {\em
overcomplete} basis, taking advantage of this resolution of identity:

What physical state does the coherent state represent? The diagonal
elements of
have a Poisson

It follows from this that the average photon number
. Similarly, the variance in the
photon number is
. This is distinct from the thermal state
we studied above, and agrees with the well known Poisson statistics of
photon number for laser light. The coherent state represents a mode
of the electromagnetic field. For
is its amplitude, and
its phase. In fact, we will
see that a coherent state provides an excellent quantum-mechanical
model of classical states of light.
. A good way to visualize this
coherent state (and other quantum states of light, as we shall see) is
in terms of something known as "quasi-probability" distributions.
Let us define

is the density matrix of the state which we wish to
visualize, and
is a complex number, such that
may be represented by non-negative, real-valued
two-dimensional plot. Note that
is normalized:

independent of
. In this sense, we may interpret
as a probability distribution.
For example, consider the
plot for
the "vacuum" state. This is
, a gaussian centered at the origin in the
Another example is provided by the thermal state
, for which

Inserting Eq.(\ref{eq:thermal_prob}) for
, we find

This again is a gaussian, centered at the origin:
A third example is given by the coherent state itself; let
. The
representation of this is

This is a gaussian centered at
Recall that the Hamiltonian for a mode of light as it propagates is
. A coherent state thus evolves to become

In other words, a coherent state parameterized by
with time to become a coherent state parameterized by
. In terms of the
representation, this
means that the time evolution of a coherent state centered at some
initial point
is depicted as rotation about the origin, as the
phase of its electric field evolves:
Note that this understanding allows us to visualize the thermal state
as being a mixture of coherent states with random ph